Chella's blog

Master Mixes

 Today I thought I would share my thoughts on Mixes.  Well, basically they are amazing. Mixes save time, money and are a cooks best friend.  You can do so much with mixes.  You can make a hamburger mix and then have the base for hundreds of dinners.  You can make a "bisquick" mix and have the base for hundreds of recipes.  By making your own mixes you will save money at the grocery store and know what you are feeding your family.


Please Pray for my PAPA!

 Today my Papa was in a serious car accident.  He is currently in the hospital.  His EKG doesn't look good so they are running tests on his heart.  Some one hit him from behind, they didn't stop for the red light, when my dad woke up he took his NITRO pills and remembers his car on top of their car.  No one is seriously injured, but my dad's heart is.


Please pray for my Papa!

Thank you ,


Meal Swap

 I have been trying to organize a meal swap with friends, and so far, NO ONE is interested.  I am not sure how this is possible.  It could be the thought of making ten meals, or maybe the money involved.  I am not giving up.  I am going to find some people from church that would be willing to do this with me.  It saves time, It saves money and it is fun fellowship.


I can make 8 meal in 5 minutes and I know that I can teach them how to as well.  Wish me luck!


Have a blessed week! :O)


My Husband is a Blessing and a Treasure

  This weekend, my sweet wonderful husband, has been updating my recipe section of my Website.  Now girls, I know how blessed I am to have a Webmaster as my husband. I am so grateful and truly blessed by this man.

I hope you enjoy the new layout for the recipes, he is currently working on the recipe cards themselves because they are not what I envisioned.   He will also be adding a store!


Have a blessed week :O)


I have a confused dog!

 I have a confused dog, her name is Summer and she is a beautiful Golden Retriever.  Summer is the one dog in our pack that everyone wants to steal.  Unfortunately,  Summer is confused.  

Summer thinks she is a COW! I do not joke.  She seriously thinks she is a cow.  How do I know you ask?  Well because Miss Summer moos.

She lays next to me, she moos.  You rub her belly, she moos. If she is happy, she moos.  If she is sad, she moos.  If she is hungry, you guessed it, she moos.


Poor dog.


Have a blessed week


Eggs~ How to clean them up off of the floor

Today while making my little boy some scrambled eggs, I accidently dropped an egg onto the floor. I asked my daughter to please hand me the box of Kosher salt. She looked at me like I was crazy, but handed me the salt as asked. I proceeded to open up the salt and pour it onto the egg on the floor, I covered the entire egg with salt almost 1/2 inch thick. I told her to just ignore the egg for a while.

A New Year has started.

A New Year has started and I am so excited about what events lie ahead. For those of you that follow my blog, you are aware that our adoption of young baby Gabrial should happen this year. We are so excited and mostly thankful to our Lord and Savior for his grace and favor during this past year.


 Today, while looking through my Grandmama's recipe box, memories of her flooded my brain.  I can see her hand written recipes and remember when we made that!  I have decided to create a new section in the recipes, just of my Grandmama's recipes.  I have not tried most of these dishes, so I can not tell you if they are good or not, but knowing my Grandmama she wouldn't have spent the time writing a recipe down if it wasn't good in her opinion!  Have a blessed day :0) Chella


 I have a confession, I am in love with Nutella.  It is delicious on a spoon, or in a fried ravioli dessert, or on a piece of toasted bread and strawberries. Yep, Nutella you are a delicious friend, and I must go enjoy some!

Have a great day!
