Chella's blog

Slow Cooker Jambalaya

It is cold outside here in Colorado.  It was 48 degrees when I woke up this morning.    I am in the mood for some comfort food.  Not just ordinary mind you but something with a little zing.  I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we do.  Go on over to Gooseberry Patch and check out all of the wonderful recipes in today's recipe round-up!




Let's Do Brunch

I have a sweet tooth today!  I hope you enjoy this truly indulgent dessert.  It is something I made when I need a virtual hug from my Grandmama.


Remember to check out Sweetsav blog and enjoy the fun recipes!



Recipe Sharing Monday

It feels like fall around here in Colorado which calls for baking!  I want something warm and also yummy.  Something my Grandma would make.  Hmmmmm.  I've got it.  Grandma Perkie's Cinnamon Rolls.  Oh the kiddos will be so happy.  I hope you enjoy this family recipe as much as we do.  Make sure you head on over to Jam Hands and look at all of fabulous recipes for this week.



Mom Trends Friday Food

It is feeling like fall around here in Colorado.  In fact it is currently 56 degrees outside which makes me think of Football for some reason.  I think you will love this recipe.  Our kids do and it is fun for a tailgate party.





Please check out the fantastic recipes found at MomTrends this week!

Totally Tasty Tuesdays

It is feeling like fall here in Colorado.  It is currently 56 degrees outside.  So you can imagine that baking sounds good!  I want something warm and full of flavor.  Something a Grandma would make me.  So with that in mind, I hope you enjoy our Grandmas recipe this week.  Make sure you check out Mandy's Recipe Box and look at all of the great recipes.



