February Meal Plan

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Here is the meal plan for the month of February.  Planning for the month makes my life easier and my grocery bill smaller.

30th~ Steak and Crab

31ST~ Hamburgers

1~ Chicken and Noodles

2~ Waffles

3~ Leftovers

4~ Pizza

5~ Roast

6~Pork Chops

7~ Terriyaki Chiken

8~ Burritos

9~ French Toast

10~ Left Overs

11~ Pizza

12~ Chicken Nuggets

13~ Steak

14~ Curry Chicken

15~ Stew

16~ Eggs/bacon/ hashbrowns

17~ Left Overs

18~ Pizza

19~ Spaghetti

20~ Fried Rice

21~ Chili Maple Chicken

22~ Sloppy Joes

23~ Pancakes

24~ Leftovers

25~ Pizza

26~ Stir Fry

27~ Lasagna

28~ BBQ Chicken

1~ Hacienda Casserole

2~ French Toast

3~ Left Overs

4~ Pizza

5~ Pepper Steak


As you can see I purchased food for the first week of March this month.  I find it easier than trying to shop Tuesday Morning for the next month.


All meals will be balanced with a veggie and a starch.  I just leave that up to my family each night because that is not a hard decision to come up with.

Breakfasts will be a combination of the following

breakfast burritos, muffins, toast, oatmeal, breakfast cookies, breakfast bars, cereal, protein bars, breakfast shakes and smoothies, and fruit.

Lunches are usually left overs, chicken nuggets, fish sticks, sandwiches,crackers, lunch meat, and fruit.


Enjoy your month!

Blessings Chella