Happy New Year!
Wow 2011 was a fun filled crazy year for our family. GOD has blessed us beyond measure and we are trying to be a blessing to all we encounter. As you can tell I am HORRIBLE at keeping up my blog. The truth is the blog is not a priority in my life. Being a Christ following, stay at home mom and home schooling my children along with trying to be a blessing to my husband my website, Facebook, and twitter come last as in once in a blue moon. I am trying to figure out how I can better serve my followers and I am looking at my schedule and praying about the time commitment involved. I am currently feeling maybe every two weeks would be a possibility but only time can tell.
2011 has brought some changes to our family our sweet daughter moved to Massachusetts. Our son is a senior in High School, and our baby boy is potty trained! The last was the hardest for us. He regressed when we had his baby sister here for a few months (foster parents remember?) He is now trained and in big boy undies! I highly recommend the 3-day potty training method. It is an eBook you download for 24$ you can get it here . I am not affiliated with them in any way nor do I receive money from them. I am simply a mom who loves this approach enough to bring it to your attention. Some more news from our homestead is we now have a new puppy. His name is Monty and is half collie half Golden Retriever. I do not understand how it is possible none of us are allergic to this dog, but we spent 5 hours at the rescue with the puppy and no reaction. We are so blessed to have a dog again. :O)
Some goals for 2012are: to continue to loose weight, Our family now follow the Paleo lifestyle and I have lost two dress sizes so far and feel better than I have ever felt in my entire life. Another goal is to continue to focus on helping our the widows and orphans in our community as well as in two orphanages we sponsor, one in Mexico and one is Africa. We really want to be a blessing to others wherever GOD leads us. I also want to be better as a MOPS leader and friend. As an introvert it is really easy for me to want and stay at my home all the time.
I wish you well and great blessings, this New Year and NO I don't believe the end of the world, as we know it is this year. The bible is clear NO ONE knows the day or time.
With love and gratitude,