Something to think about

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I do a lot of reading and researching frugal living, simple living, stretching money etc.  I think it is important to be a good steward of GOD's money and blessing HE provides my family.  While thumbing through "Life's little instruction book" by H. Jackson Brown Jr. I came a cross a quote that sang to my soul.

I am a firm believer in teaching my children the importance of money management and not worrying about having what other people have.  In fact, my favorite thing my Grandmama use to say was "Don't worry about keeping up with the Jones's. The Jones's are broke!"  So when I came across this most profound quote by Mr. H. Jackson Brown Jr.  I had to stop and marinate on it for a while.  I hope you will also.





"When starting out, don't worry about not having enough money.  Limited funds are a blessing, not a curse.  Nothing encourages creative thinking in quite the same way."