The winter months are cold and probably make you feel like staying indoors nice and comfy! Resist the urge to hibernate all winter. In fact you should take advantage of the cold winter months and enjoy a frugal winter date with your spouse. There are several fun things you can do during the winter that won’t break the budget! I’ve listed some of my favorite frugal winter date ideas below.
Frugal Winter Date Ideas
Go Shopping – Shopping might not sound like the perfect frugal winter date night but it really is! We all have to shop at one time or another, so why not turn it into a date night. Grab some coffee or hot cocoa and stroll hand in hand through the stores. Take your time to window shop, act silly and truly just enjoy each other’s company. You will get in some great time together and get one of your errands done.
Camping – When you think about camping boating, warm weather and barbecuing usually come to mind. However, winter time can be a great time to go camping! Find a campground that is open during the winter, you might be surprised to hear that most campgrounds stay open year round. Pack some warm clothing, a lot of blankets, a tent, some of your favorite foods, a bottle of wine and head on out for your romantic getaway. Once you get to your campsite the plan is simple! Set up your tent, build a fire and cozy on up together. You will have a day or two without any electronics or outside distractions. Not only is this a frugal way to spend some time with your honey but you also get to connect with nature.
Enjoy the Cold – When the cold weather sets in we humans tend to hibernate in our homes. This winter, don’t let the cold weather stop you from getting out and enjoying the weather and your spouse. Make the most of the winter months by enjoying winter activities together. You can go hiking, snow shoeing, sledding or just go out and make a snowman together. It really doesn’t matter what you do as long as you are doing it together.
Visit Old Town – Most towns have a section of town called Old Town. If your town doesn’t have an Old Town area look for a nearby town that does have an Old Town. Visiting the area of town referred to as Old Town is a nice way to spend an afternoon or evening with your spouse. Spend time walking around and visiting the historic sites and small chain stores. Most Old Town areas have some really neat mom and pop stores that you can spend hours looking through.
Indoor Movie Night – One of my favorite ways to spend time with my husband is with a movie night. In my area going to the movie theater will cost us about $26 just for two tickets. Once we add in gas to get there, popcorn, candy and soda we are looking at almost $50 or more for a date night. I don’t know about you but that is just ridiculous. I can think of a lot more things I can do with $50! Our way around this expensive date night is by having our own movie night at home.
We put the kids to bed, grab blankets, make a fire, break out the snacks and snuggle up on the couch while watching the movie of choice. We make sure to turn off our cell phones and put other electronics away. I find that this is a great way to get in a date night without breaking the budget.
What’s your favorite frugal winter date?