Favorite Juice Jelly Cubes

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Even if you're wary of those red and green mystery "fruit" powders, you can still give your kids the jiggly treats they want. The trick is to use a juice with ingredients you approve of and set it in a plain gelatin. These cubes are not only healthier, but they're also just as easy to make as the boxed stuff.

* 2 cups of your kid's favorite juice (we used grape and grapefruit in the photo)
* 2 packets of unflavored gelatin
* 1 tablespoon sugar or honey (optional)

Pour 1/2 cup of juice in a bowl and sprinkle gelatin over it. While this sits, heat the remaining juice to boil (can do this in the microwave for 2 to 3 minutes). Pour hot juice over juice and gelatin mixture and stir, adding in extra sugar if desired. Pour mixture into the bottom of a loaf pan and chill for three hours, or until firm. Cut into squares.

Kids can help: Measure, mix

Extras: Pour mixture into miniature or regular-sized muffin tins for different shapes.