I wanted to do a week long series of afternoon snacks. School has started here in Colorado and I am ready for the fall. I realize the kids are not happy about summer being over but I love when school starts. Something about buying school supplies and making lunches and having fun with the afternoon snacks. Today's recipe is a simple Strawberry recipe. Enjoy!
Chella's Blogs

This piece should be sent around every year to remind us of the price that was paid in order for us to celebrate The 4th Of July.....
I wanted to take the time to wishes all thoses "Daddy's" out there, a Happy Father's Day. You men are amazing, and we appreciate all that you do for your children.

I am getting ready to have major surgery next week. It is a blessing beyond words! God is so good :O) I will be on bed rest for two weeks and then I am not able to do any heavy lifting for a total of six to eight weeks. I am not happy about the recovery part, but that is life.

I am getting ready to have a major surgery at the end of June. I will have to be on bed rest for at least two weeks and the total recovery is somewhere between six to eight weeks! Yikes!!