Day One!

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Everyone who knows me will tell you that I am over weight.  It is not a secret and as most over weight people will tell you, it is impossible to hide.  I have been over weight for twenty years now.  It started with becoming pregnant at the age of 19 having my amazing daughter and going straight into postpardom depression.  I never lost the baby weight and then got pregnant with my amazing son and gained an additional 70 pounds!.  At my heaviest I weight 254 pounds.  Wow, I can't believe I just typed that, but it is true.  Since then, I have lost and gained weight back over and over again.  I was finally down and feeling good about my self and then I got the news that I had cancer.  I gained an amazing 50 pounds back with the wonderful chemicals that saved my life.  However, I was not done gaining.  Nope, I then had to have a hysterectomy in June only to be told that I will probably gain another 35-50 pounds!  Holy cow are you kidding me?  Needless to say I was not thrilled with this news but so thankful for the surgery.  I was not able to excercise at all without the surgery do to bleeding out all the time.


I woke up today knowing my big 40 birthday is next month.  I laugh at that because I am not upset about being 40 at all.  In fact I look forward to what my 40's will bring me.  I am however, very upset about my weight, and what I look like.  So, I thought I could be accountable on my blog and let you all know what I am going through and my journey.


I start my weight loss program at a whopping 222.1 pounds.  I have lost six pounds since surgery and have not gained the additonal 35-50 pounds promised after surgery.  PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!  I am not big on scales or weighing my self, so I will post about my journey once a month.  One day I will be brave enough to post before and after pictures. But alas today is NOT that day.  I have a horrible issue with body image.  In my head I easily weight 200 pounds more.  I am working on this.  I am currently a size 16 pants and a XXL shirt ( the girls grew too!) 

Wow, again I can't believe I just typed that.  I guess being transparent isn't always easy, but I am very blunt and honest and believe you are only as sick as your secrets.  So there dear world you now know about my weight and battle to loose it.


Updates to come. 
