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Dear Public School System:

This letter is to inform you that I am no longer participating in the traditional school options.  My children have been participants since Kindergarten.  One child has graduated High School and is now in College.  The problem I have encountered is that you are not able to teach my other children.  It's not that you haven't tried.  You have.  It's more a matter of with 45+ students in each class it is impossible to teach in the style they need.  It is not your fault that the budgets have been slashed and now your workload is double.  It is not your fault that no one seems to care.  I do care.  I care so much, that I am going to be responsible for my children's education.  I am going to give them the one on one time they need and deserve.


Thank you for being there for my children, but now I will carry on the torch!


A Proud Home School Mama