Yesterday Southern Colorado had an Earthquake. It was a 5.3! Numerous buildings were damaged along with the nerves of the precious people who live in Trinidad, Colorado. Here in Northern Colorado our baby boy woke up in a complete panic. He woke up at 11:45 p.m. We ran into his room held him for a while and he went back to bed. That is the exact time the Earthquake happened.
This event started me thinking about my food storage and Emergency Preparedness plans for our family. My 72-hour kits are lacking and what I mean by that is I DON’T have them ready at all. I thought I did but alas they are in NO WAY where I want them to be. I will however be fixing that pronto! My food storage is ok but I would love for it to continue to grow along with water. I cannot stress enough the importance of water. In fact I am positive it is impossible to have enough water. So I am on a journey to find the best water filter/purification product I can. Do you have any suggestions?
I want to encourage you in preparing for your family. Remember it is YOUR responsibility to take care of your family. Here are a few websites that can help you out.