I am asking all of you to please make a peanut butter pie this weekend and to share it with those you love. Jennifer Perrillo who writes In Jennie’s Kitchen lost her husband Mikey on Sunday to a massive heart attack. Although I do not know her personally, my heart breaks for the loss of her Husband and the Father of her children. When asked how we as a blogging community could help, she simply asked that we make a Peanut Butter Pie for our loved ones and share it with them. She wrote a beautiful post on her blog. She is amazing and my prayers go out to her and her family.
Life moves by so quickly, please tell those you love how you feel each day. Just reading her post I saw my own life with my husband and how quickly time passes and how hectic work can become. I don't understand and the truth is I don't have to. GOD has it under control and in the meantime, I will continue to pray for this amazing family.
Please go make a peanut butter pie for your family in honor of Mikey. I love this recipe from the Neeley's. They are a perfect reflection of what a married couple looks like. Love, humor, and some sass.