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A couple of months ago (March) I was both blessed and humbled to participate in a MOPS meeting.  I was asked to be a guest speaker and I talked about saving money while grocery shopping.  I had a blast!  I met amazing women and began asking myself "Why don't you join a MOPS group?"  I went home and talked my poor husbands' ear off about the entire night.

I woke up the next morning to a few emails from the ladies at MOPS and really enjoyed reaching out and starting new conversations and hopefully friendships.


Fast forward to April.  I received an invitation to give my testimony to the MOPS group for their Spring Tea event.  I was shocked by the invitation.  What if I tell my testimony and no one will be as nice to me afterward?  You see my testimony is really messy and ugly and hard for people to listen to.  Unfortunately, I had been down this road before.  So, as a mess I approached my Papa God and told him all of the reasons why not to tell my testimony and he gently held me in is love and reassured me to just tell my story.  So I accepted the invitation and prayed a lot and told my story.  I was once again humbled because this group of ladies embraced me, did not judge me, talked with me and prayed with and for me.  Did I mention how much I love these ladies?

Last night was the final night for MOPS for the year.  I was asked to join the group!!! WOW, was I excited.  My husband was happy that I am trying something new and hopefully starting relationships that will last forever.   We have an awesome opportunity to hang out over the summer and I am looking forward to meeting all of the bambinos and having some play dates.


I truly love these ladies!  I would like to encourage everyone out there to join a MOPS group if you have little little’s in your house.  I have been so encouraged and validated as a Mom.