Homemade Wet Wipes
2 ply paper towel ( I use viva it is the most like cloth)
Let all that you do be done in love.
1 Corinthians 16:14 ESV
2 ply paper towel ( I use viva it is the most like cloth)
2 Cups rubbing alcohol
1 Cup clear ammonia
10 Cups warm water
1 tsp. dishwashing soap (dawn)
1/2 Cup Dawn dish soap (not concentrated)
spray bottle
If your teenager has dropped their cell phone in water or toilet and it won’t work , remove the battery and put the rest of the phone in a bowl of dry rice for an hour or even a month. I have a Teenager who is notorious for dropping their phone in the toilet. After the purchase of a smart phone, and the destruction of an iphone, I stumbled across this tip from my friend Peggy from church. I bought another Iphone for the teenager for christmas from another friend for only $50.00 which the teenager has paid us back for the other phones.
The best way to get rid of hairspray on your bathroom mirror is either using rubbing alcohol, or windex with a Magic Eraser! My friend sent me the following:
To clean the mirror in bathroom when it has hair spray on it, use warm water on a rag and wipe it good. Then use paper towels or a dry rag to dry it.
Today while making my little boy some scrambled eggs, I accidently dropped an egg onto the floor. I asked my daughter to please hand me the box of Kosher salt. She looked at me like I was crazy, but handed me the salt as asked. I proceeded to open up the salt and pour it onto the egg on the floor, I covered the entire egg with salt almost 1/2 inch thick. I told her to just ignore the egg for a while. One half hour later I asked her to bring me the broom and dust pan. She looked at me again as if I was crazy but brought it to me anyway.
How do you get ball point ink out of your dryer and clothes? I use finger nail polish remover and it works like a dream.. Life with teenagers will always prepare you for disasters with clothes.
Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap- Front or top load machine- best value
1 Tablespoon Bleach
4 Cups Water
Spray Bottle
Put 1 tablespoon of bleach into an empty spray bottle, add 4 cups of water. Close spray bottle and shake so the contents are mixed. This mix is good for one week. Use like you would the Clorox cleaning spray.
Cleaning the Grill
Wrap rags around your grill rack real well (Grandma used old towels with holes in them), now place the towel covered rack into a Black Lawn and Garden plastic trash bag, make sure you have the right size bag to fit your rack into. This is the time to check!