Cleaning the Oven
Preheat oven at 200-degrees for 10-15 minutes.
Fill a 8x8 GLASS baking dish with Ammonia about an inch. Place the glass pan on the top shelf of the oven.
Now take a 9x13 GLASS baking dish and put it on the lower rack of your oven. Boil some water and put about an inch of boiling water into the 9x13 pan.
Close the oven door and leave for at least two hours and overnight if the oven is heavily soiled.
The next morning, make a paste with baking soda and white vinegar to wipe out the oven.
Remove the glass pans of ammonia and water from the oven.
Remove the cooking racks.
Using a damp cloth, wipe out the oven well.
Using a damp sponge, work in the baking-soda paste and scrub the surface.
Note: If you have a stubborn spot, apply the paste and let it sit for at least 15 minutes, then wipe.