Fake Febreeze
I came across this great idea to Make Your Own Febreeze over at Homemade Mamas, and I just had to give it a try to see if it's as good as the real thing.
Well, it is as good as the real thing. No. Actually....It's Better!
I changed their recipe up a bit to Refill my already existing 32 oz Febreeze Spray Bottle:
1/8 Cup of Your Favorite Fabric Softener
2 Tablespoons Baking Soda
Hot Tap Water - To Fill the Bottle to the Top
I found that Fake Febreeze actually has a bit more "staying power" than regular Febreeze, too!
Fake-It Yourself Breakdown:
Fake Febreeze ($0.15 or less for 1 oz Fabric Softener)
Total Fake-It Cost: $0.15 Each
Compare to Actual Febreeze ($5.59 Each, seriously?)
Total Fake-It Savings: $5.44 Each*
*Let's say you purchase 1 Bottle of Febreeze per month, that's a Savings of $65.28 per year!
PS - If you've never visited Homemade Mamas before, go check out their incredible catalog of DIY household and beauty products, among all of their other great tutorials!
*** I came across this post on Pinterest. I love that site.***