Dear Public School System:
Chella's Blogs

My sweet husband bought me an office armoir on craigslist for $20.00. This armoir has served many purposes over the years. An office, baby armoir for diapers etc, daughters closet, and NOW my office once again. I let out a sigh of relief. I have missed my office armoir. It is like a little piece of organization heaven to me. I know I am a nerd with OCD but I own it.
Here is the meal plan for the month of February. Planning for the month makes my life easier and my grocery bill smaller.
30th~ Steak and Crab
31ST~ Hamburgers
1~ Chicken and Noodles
2~ Waffles
3~ Leftovers
4~ Pizza
5~ Roast
6~Pork Chops
7~ Terriyaki Chiken
8~ Burritos
9~ French Toast
10~ Left Overs
11~ Pizza
12~ Chicken Nuggets
13~ Steak
14~ Curry Chicken
15~ Stew
16~ Eggs/bacon/ hashbrowns
17~ Left Overs
18~ Pizza
19~ Spaghetti

Here in Colorado we are experiencing below zero temperatures. It is so bad that the School Districts gave our kids Tuesday and now Wednesday off of School! All the kids rejoice :O) It is going to be 40 below tonight so for dinner I made Chicken and Noodles. I am sharing the recipe on Tempt your Tummy Tuesday's at Blessed with Grace. Please go over and make yourself welcome. Drink something warm and look at all the wonderful recipes!.