Date Night

25 Ways to Connect with Your Husband

As busy women, sometimes developing our relationship with your husband can be difficult to make a priority.  Especially after you have children!  My husband and I found this out the hard way last year when we let our marriage take the back burner as we adjusted to parenthood. This year, we are attempting re-connect with each other and build our friendship.

25 Tips I Want to Share With Younger Wives

25 Tips I Want to Share with Younger Wives


1.    Hold hands whenever you can. We do and always have. We’ll clasp hands when sitting next to each other on the couch, while we’re driving along in the car, and when we’re out walking. A simple connecting that goes a long way.


2.    Pray for him every day. Faithfully. What better gift than to offer up a prayer for him? Ask God to bless him, protect him, and work in his life.


50 things to do (other than movies)

At our place, a typical night consists of eating dinner and watching a movie. Can anyone relate? It's like the ultimate in downtime - curl up on the couch and escape into a movie for a bit.

Well, not long ago, my hubby had just about all he could take of movies. (So did I...because we'd seen pretty much all we'd wanted to see on Amazon Prime. Yikes.) So for about a month, we're trying to see what we can do other than be couch potatoes. I think it's a good challenge for us!

50 things to do together for christmas

YAY for the holidays! I love that sentimental feeling that this time of year brings - hearing Christmas songs you've always grown up with, getting to be with family, replaying traditions, and making secret recipes. It's a joyful time of year, and it just makes me grateful, even though my head is usually spinning at all the things going on.


If you do find yourself with a night free and an opportunity to do something fun together this season, look no further. Here are some ideas to get you started.


Frugal Fall Date Ideas

Fall is by far my favorite time of year. The weather is cooling down, yet it’s still pleasant outside. I also love that there are so many festive activities going on. My husband and I make it a point to plan as many date nights as possible during the fall season. This is usually our time to get in some quality time before the very busy holiday season approaches. I’ve listed some of my favorite frugal fall date ideas, hopefully some of these will inspire a date night for you!


Frugal Fall Date Ideas


Frugal Holiday Date Ideas

Winter is the perfect time of year to spend some quality time with your significant other. The cold winter air, the holiday decorations and the chance to cozy up makes the holiday’s one of the best times of year to enjoy frugal date nights. There are so many different options when it comes to holiday date nights. The best part is most of these dates don’t cost much at all!

Frugal Winter Date Ideas

The winter months are cold and probably make you feel like staying indoors nice and comfy! Resist the urge to hibernate all winter. In fact you should take advantage of the cold winter months and enjoy a frugal winter date with your spouse. There are several fun things you can do during the winter that won’t break the budget! I’ve listed some of my favorite frugal winter date ideas below.
