Light Saber Ice Pop Hilts

So because Ice Pops come in so many flavors our family is making these with two black buttons. That way I don't have to worry about not having enough blue, red, green, orange, or purple hilts!
Let all that you do be done in love.
1 Corinthians 16:14 ESV
So because Ice Pops come in so many flavors our family is making these with two black buttons. That way I don't have to worry about not having enough blue, red, green, orange, or purple hilts!
Sometimes things are just to easy. :)
This is an easy way to recycle or Upcycle your jars. Make inexpensive tea light holders for a little mood lighting at your next party.
Here is a great idea for a party. You can coordinate your confetti to match any theme. Purchase white helium balloons and glue your confetti on the bottom.
** I found this idea on Pinterest. Sorry NO LINK it was just a picture.
Source: Picture on Pinterest NO LINK
This year our family decided to finally put in a garden. Not just any garden. Oh no we go BIG or go Home! We chose a Staw Bale Garden. Why you ask? Here are a few reasons as to why we put in this type of garden:
*75% less labor
*Raised height, easy planting
*NO weeding
*Extends the growing season
*Higher germination on seeds
*Predictable performance
*Impossible to overwater
*Holds moisture well
*Creates new media yearly
*Easy to move location
*Automated water daily is okay
*No crop rotation needed
I saw this picture on Pinterest with no link :( But the caption said a basket full of dates. Well, I started to think about this idea and I think I came up with a great idea. If YOU happen to be responsible for this picture please contact me because I would love to put your link up so we can see really what you did!
Ever wonder how much food fits in a container? Wonder no more. The folks at USA Emergency Supply have a nicely laid out table listing many dozens of dry foods and approximately how many pounds of each is expected to fit inside different containers (from 1 gallon to 6 gallon). Very neat!
To make your emergency heater, you'll need:
Essential foods to stock in your Prepper's pantry