
Man Approved Valentine's Day Cards

So it's valentine's day and you need a card for your hubby.  Maybe you are like me and your Husband is a tech savy nerd.  Well, have no fear the ladies over at The Dating Divas come to our rescue once again.  These are free and you should be able to find something for your honey. Enjoy!

Want to do something special for your hubby this Valentine’s Day?  Forget the frilly pink store-bought cards!  We have some Valentines that your manly man is SURE to appreciate.

How to Make Your Own Year of Dates

Date Night with my Honey is something we rarely do.  Sad but true. We never seem to have the time or money to just go out.  I was thinking about this and came to the conclusion I should buy a gift card each time I am at the grocery store and make a year worth of dates.  I decided to do a little research and came across this little gem on What's up Fagans? web site.


An easy way to get out of debt

At the time of writing this article, my husband and I have two debts: our car and our home.  We have been working on getting out of debt for a while now and I would like to share how we did it.


Dave Ramsey calls it the debt snowball, Suze Orman calls it the rapid debt payment plan, Mary Hunt calls it the rapid repayment plan.  You get the picture.  It is not a new idea but maybe one you don’t know of as of yet.

Cut down the engergy bill


If you want to save money, put another blanket, or quilt on top of your beds.  Everyone will be warmer and your pocket book will be a little fatter.  The best time to save money is while you are sleeping.  Turn down the heater and save some money.

Kids PJ'S

I love kids PJ's but I don't like the price, nor do I like how my Children out grow them so quickly.  Well, I finally have the solution.  One day while shopping I saw on Clearance sweat pants and sweat shirts.  I'm talking 50 cents people.  I quickly went over and picked through the stacks and stacks of items.  I was so excited.  Just think I could buy sweats two sizes to big and the kids could use them as pj's.  And then when they grow into them, the kids could use them for regular day use.  The store had numerous colors which was great.

