
Garage Sales

Some people turn up their noses when the word Garage Sale is said. Not me! I love a good Garage Sale, I love having them and I love shopping them.  What a great way to get rid of my junk and make some extra cash. I also love shopping Garage Sales because my family likes to collect items.  My husband and boys like legos and so we look for legos, we also look for tools and things needed around the house.  I collect old cookbooks from the 1950's and I also like aprons.  Some people I know collect Milk Glass, Garage Sales are a great place to look.

Recycle for $

 So the GREEN movement is in full force and everyone you know is jumping on the bandwagon. This is FANTASTIC news for you.  How you ask? Because you have a beautiful opportunity to make money!  We collect cans and cash them in, newspapers too.


 Do you barter?  Do you have a skill that no one else does in your circle of friends?  Recently my husband started bartering with people he knows for services our family needs.  How does he do this?  Well, he offers a customized web site for their business in exchange for  services for our family.  It could be salon services, taxes, or legal work.  I have been know to barter food services for painting or food services for some sewing work.  (I still can't sew a straight line, I am trying!)


Craigs List

 Go to run do not walk do it do it now!


Seriously, Craigslist is amazing not only can you sell anything without a fee, there is a FREE section as well! A frugal woman's dream.  You can also barter if you wish.

What are you waiting for? GO!

Freecycle is an amazing opportunity for you and your community.  It is one of the greenest things you can do.  It does generate a lot of email but it is worth it because everything on it is FREE.


Ask Your Friends

Don't be afraid to tell your friends what you are looking for or in need of. They might just have that special something in their donate pile at home, or know of someone else who has that item.

One day I was at a friend’s house and while we were talking she told me about a cookbook she wanted.  I told her that I had that cookbook and didn't want it anymore.  She got what she wanted and I got rid of the cookbook and made space for a new one.

Lower your utility bill

 Ladies and Gentlemen I would like to give you the opportunity to save money on your utility bill.  How you ask? Simply by lowering your thermostat.  For every degree you go down you will save $10 a month according to the XCEL Auditor we had come look at our house.  We went from 72 degrees to 68 degrees, sure we put on a sweatshirt or wrapped up in a blanket, but we live in Colorado and it is suppose to be cooler than in Florida  (That's for you Mama)

Make your own Mixes and Cleaners

 Make your own mixes and cleaners.  It is crazy to buy a cleaning product when you can make one that works better and is cheaper.  You can do a google search or I have some on my website.  

It is the same with food, why are you buying convenience food when you could just make it.  Seriously, do a google search.

Freezer Cooking, OAMC, Batch Cooking

 Freezer cooking is a real time saver.  There are many methods on how to Freezer Cook and I suggest you go to your local library and check out a few books on the subject.  First because they have done all of the research for you and second because I am not a teacher I just do things, so if you want a professional’s opinon check out some books at the library.

