
Keep out the ANTS

To avoid a household of unwanted guests who come looking for food and water, make a nontoxic, homemade repellent.


Pour equal amounts of water and white vinegar into a spray bottle, and shake to mix. Then spritz the solution in water-resistant areas where ants are common, such as kitchen floors or the crevices in painted baseboards from which the pests often enter. You can also use the repellent outside, spraying patios, porches, and picnic tables before family and friends gather.


Your Teenager dropped their cell phone in the what?

If your teenager  has dropped their cell phone in water or toilet and it won’t work ,  remove the battery and put the rest of the phone in a bowl of dry rice for an hour or even a month. I have a Teenager who is notorious for dropping their phone in the toilet.  After the purchase of a smart phone, and the destruction of an iphone, I stumbled across this tip from my friend Peggy from church.  I bought another Iphone for the teenager for christmas from another friend for only $50.00 which the teenager has paid us back for the other phones.

Eggs ~ How to clean them up off of the floor :0)

 Today while making my little boy some scrambled eggs, I accidently dropped an egg onto the floor.  I asked my daughter to please hand me the box of Kosher salt.  She looked at me like I was crazy, but handed me the salt as asked.   I proceeded to open up the salt and pour it onto the egg on the floor, I covered the entire egg with salt almost 1/2 inch thick.  I told her to just ignore the egg for a while.  One half hour later I asked her to bring me the broom and dust pan.  She looked at me again as if I was crazy but brought it to me anyway.

The importance of stocking up!

 Today I would like to discuss with you the importance of stocking up on sales.  If you are on the envelope system you might think it is impossible for you to stock up, but that is were you thinking is a little flawed.  Let me explain.  If you have a budget of $100.00 each week for grocery shopping, and you only spend 75$ that week, save the other $25 for your stock up envelop.
