
"Clorox" Cleaning Spray

 1 Tablespoon Bleach

4 Cups  Water

Spray Bottle


Put 1 tablespoon of bleach into an empty spray bottle, add 4 cups of water. Close spray bottle and shake so the contents are mixed.  This mix is good for one week.  Use like you would the Clorox cleaning spray.


Envelope System

 If you are NOT good with money and you are in trouble, I would like to introduce you to the envelope system.

This is how it works, you know you can only afford $400.00 for groceries this month.  Take $400.00 in cash and put it in an envelope marked groceries.  Only spend cash at the store.  This will teach you how to stay within your budget.  


 It is time for you to make a budget.  If you do not know what a budget is, it is simply a guide to wear your money goes, and  how you want to spend it.

I have seen many different budgets in my life but what my husband and I do is write down our incoming money and write down every bill we have and then we see where and when money leaves the house.  By doing this you are being accountable to each other regarding money.


If you need a form, please go to the forms page :0)


This year I want to urge you to make your own gifts for everything, Christmas, Birthday's etc.  Not only will it save you money, it will also teach you a new skill and everyone I know loves a homemade gift.

Here are some ideas:

Melt old crayons in a muffin tin and make new crayons

Make soap crayons

You could make food in gift jars.

Make a quilt

There are a ton of sources on line you could search and learn from.

Good Luck!

Learn an "old fashioned" skill

 I have over the years learned some "old fashioned" skills and it has saved me a lot of money. Here are a few ideas for you.

I learned how to crochet and now I can make blankets for my family and friends for presents or just to lounge in.

I learned how to quilt it may not be the best yet, but it was made with lots of love.

I am learning how to sew a sorta straight line recently and made my own grocery bags.


Learn a new skill, and save money.  It is fun to do and people always appreciate a hand made gift.

Say NO!

The easiest way to save a lot of money is this: SAY NO!

Say no to the coffee with friends at the Starbucks across the street. Have coffee at home instead.

Say no to the thirteen extra curricular activities your children want to do.  Limit it to one, then you can actually eat dinner together as a family.

Say no to fast food for lunch each day, and pack a lunch instead. Maybe leftovers from last nights dinner?

A little secret about Grocery Stores

 Here is a little secret about grocery stores they really don't want you to know.  The prices in the ethnic isle are cheaper than the prices in the spice isle.  I have no idea why, but it what it is.  I now buy all of my bullion and spices in the mexican isle of my grocery store they are at least $1.00 cheaper per product.  I have also been to the local ethnic markets in my town and the meat and canned foods are cheaper there as well.  

Go, check it out and see how much you can save.

Thrift Stores

ARC, DAV, Salvation Army, Goodwill what do these words mean to you? To me they mean bargain city baby!

I just love a good, clean, well organize, and well priced thrift store.  I love going on the big sale day and looking for the hidden treasures abound.  It might be the one book in a series I don't have, or a vintage cookbook, or it might be a diaper changing table for the baby.  You never know what you may find when you go to the thrift store.  Always shop with a list of items you NEED or are looking for otherwise your wallet will see a hit.  
