
Refrigerator Spills

For liquids such as pickle juice and milk, simply place a microfiber cloth on the spill and wipe it up. Even better, the microfibers are slightly abrasive, so if the jam jar has left a ring on the refrigerator shelf, wet the cloth with warm water and gently scrub the jam away. To get rid of meat and poultry juices, use paper towels soaked with a diluted solution of bleach and water, since juices from meats can carry bacterial contaminants that can remain trapped in cloth dish towels and microfiber towels.

Stains on Plastic Storage Containers

Tomato sauce and other acidic foods leave stains on plastic that even the dishwasher won't remove. Set those plastic pieces out in the sun to naturally bleach the stains away. (Rub lemon juice on especially stubborn spots first. Baking soda also works well in bleaching color out of plastic, and it helps get rid of strong odors.)  A great way to prevent stains is to spray with PAM first and then put the food in.

Cut down the engergy bill


If you want to save money, put another blanket, or quilt on top of your beds.  Everyone will be warmer and your pocket book will be a little fatter.  The best time to save money is while you are sleeping.  Turn down the heater and save some money.

Kids PJ'S

I love kids PJ's but I don't like the price, nor do I like how my Children out grow them so quickly.  Well, I finally have the solution.  One day while shopping I saw on Clearance sweat pants and sweat shirts.  I'm talking 50 cents people.  I quickly went over and picked through the stacks and stacks of items.  I was so excited.  Just think I could buy sweats two sizes to big and the kids could use them as pj's.  And then when they grow into them, the kids could use them for regular day use.  The store had numerous colors which was great.


How to make your own Foaming Hand Soap

I don't know about you, but I love foaming hand soap.  However, I hate the price!  It is such a convient product. Especially when you have an active two year old boy in your house. So I had to  figure out how to make your own. I have been doing this for over a year now and I still have some left under the cabinet!


Start with an empty foaming hand wash pump and Goo Gone to get the label off.


{Mix one part of liquid hand soap with 5-6 parts water}

Clothing Swap

Here are a few tips for a fun day with your girl friends!

1) Organize a clothing swap.  You get rid of clothes and accessories you don't use or want anymore and you swap with your friends. Its a win win for everyone.  You clean out your closet and come home with new stuff for FREE.

Diaper Rash Cream

This is the best homemade version of diaper cream ever!  Trust me when Gabe got a horrible diaper rash from being allergic to foods this was the only way to sooth him.  It is also the only combination we found to clear him up.

Take one hand full of AD Ointment and mix it with one tube of Destitin (I use generic brand). Put into a sealed container and take everywhere with you.  One large jar of AD ointment will last you over a year. 
