Smoothie Tip! Frozen Melon makes the best smoothies! You can start freezing watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew - and more for the frostiest, most delicious smoothies and shakes ever! Try my Frozen Cantaloupe-infused Matcha Shake!
Watermelon Frosty
serves 2
2 1/4 cups frozen watermelon cubes
1/2+ cup water
2 Tbsp maple syrup
1 large lemon, squeezed (lime juice also works very well! use 2 limes)
1 fresh banana
party version - make it a margarita: add 2 shots of tequila (or sub with more water or fruit juice)
spicy version: a few dashes of cayenne powder in the blender or over top when you serve!
Garnish: a few slices of watermelon - with rind on - frozen. Add some lime or lemon slices too.
Directions: Add all ingredients to the blender - plus 1/4 cup of water. Start blending. Add more water as needed to blend. Add as little liquid as possible to keep your frosty thick and "frosty!"
Blend Pour. Garnish with frozen watermelon/rind slices. Serve! Enjoy.