Birthday ideas

Rocket Straws

The other day I was browsing Pinterest for a fun activity to do with our LM.   I hit the jackpot when I found this post on how to make Rocket Straws.

To start, seal an empty envelope, then draw lines as shown. Invite your child to cut along the lines (or help him with this step, if necessary). The corner of the envelope will form the top of the rocket.

Nerf Gun Backyard Party

My kiddos and their Daddy love Nerf Guns.  It's true my Handsome Husband recieved one as a Christmas gift this year in fact from our oldest son who is in his 20's.  When I stumbled across this picture on Pinterest I knew I hit pay dirt.  Come on what could be better on a Friday Night with your family and friends? Or a Family Reunion?  or a Birthday Party! Yep next year for Little Man's Birthday oh yeah this is the ticket!

Nerf Gun Storage

So I saw this picture on Pinterest and I thought GENIUS!!!! I clicked said picture and of course I was sent to flicker. Yep just a picture but hey we are smart enough to figure this out. Right?

It looks like a old bookcase with the shelves removed. Peg board in the back painted black.  Hang up the guns.  I think the most expensive thing to buy will be the pegs and the peg board.  You can get free bookcases off of craigslist all the time.


Sticky Spider Web

Sometimes I think pictures are self explanatory.  This is awesome for boys or girls in my opinion. Great for snow days, rainy days, and Family Fun time.


LM (Little Man) and I use painter's tape and he runs around the house looking for recycling to get his ammo ready ;)


For detailed instructions please visit

Apple Pie Trail Mix


  • Dried apples
  • Graham cracker pieces
  • Granola


  1. Mix the dried apples, graham cracker pieces, yogurt-covered raisins and granola.
