1 premade thin pizza crust
1 can apple pie filling
4 tbsp. butter, softened to room temperature
2/3 cups brown sugar
2/3 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 tbsp. cinnamon
For the icing:
2 cups powdered sugar
2-3 tbsp. milk
1 tbsp. melted butter
Preheat oven to 350F degrees.
Take crust out of package and place on round baking sheet.
Open your can of pie filling and get in there with a sharp knife and pull the knife back and forth across the apples. About 6 or 7 times.
This will chop the apples up and give you more apple filling across your whole pizza.
Spread the apple pie filling evenly on the pizza crust.
Now, to make the crumb topping.
In a bowl, combine softened butter, brown sugar, flour and cinnamon.
You can use a fork, a pastry cutter or your hands to do this.
You want the butter to be evenly distributed and the mixture should look nice and crumbly
Sprinkle the crumb topping all over the apple filling.
Bake for about 25-30 minutes, until heated through and crumb topping is slightly browned.
While pizza is cooling, start making the icing.
Whisk together powdered sugar, melted butter and milk.
Add milk until you get the consistency you like.
I prefer a slightly thicker icing so about 2-3 tbsp. of milk works good for me.
Drizzle icing all across pizza.
I usually make a bunch of lines one way, then turn it around and make some more lines the other way. You'll probably have a little icing leftover.
We save that and my husband likes to add a bit more icing to his individual slices of dessert pizza.
Using a sharp pizza cutter, slice up your pizza and serve!