
Wrinkle Release Spray

Wrinkle Release Spray

As the mothers of two young boys each, we do a lot of laundry. A LOT. But let's face it, it doesn't always get immediately whisked out of the dryer, folded/hung up, and put away. And this means wrinkled clothes. And ironing? Please.... The iron pretty much only comes out when we need it for a craft project.

Make your Own Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

Let's Make Some Magic!

Living with boys as we do, we know the messes they can make. We often marvel at the creative ways the guys in our lives make these messes. We also marvel at how in the world we will get some of these messes cleaned up! But often the miracle product Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and others like it have made cleaning some of the toughest messes (like magic marker on the computer keyboard) a breeze. It really does work like magic!

Make your own Scented Plugin

DIY Wallflowers Scented Plugin

i’m about to get hippie on you all. plugin air fresheners (and tons of other stuff) have something called  VOC in them. VOC stands for “volatile organic compounds” and they are highly toxic. they are chemicals with a low boiling point.

VOC cause all sorts of problems in your body: infertility (some of you may like that!), headaches, nervous system disorders, memory loss and cancer for both your pet and you…. lots of things. 

Make your own detangling spray

Part of my job being a SAHM is to save as much money as possible for my family.  I do this using many different methods.  One of these methods is participating in pinterest.  If you haven't heard of them, shoot me an email and I will send you an invite.  It is a free service that lets you make boards for better organization rather than bookmarking everything.

I do this because I find amazing sources like this one.  I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. 


Make Your Own Lip Balm

I was on pinterest the other day and found this, so of course I had to try it.  It works awesome.


Do you have a bunch of near-empty lipsticks that you don't know what to do with? Don't throw them out! You can turn those favorite shades into tinted lip balms. Customize your color, flavor and scent, and even recycle old tins and tubs to give the balm a personal special touch. Just follow these four simple steps.
