Date Night

20 Little Things to Make a Big Difference in Your Marriage

What goes into a joyful and loving marriage? Surprisingly, it's the small things. 20 Little Things to Make a Big Difference in Your Marriage

1.     Greet him warmly. When he comes home. When he enters the room. When he’s nearby.

2.     Offer a kind word. He will always be grateful for a kind wife. (Prov. 31:26)

3.     Give thanks. For him and for the life you get to share together.

4.     Speak the truth. In love. Always. (Eph. 4:15)

Nerf Wars: Date Night From The Dating Divas

We pulled out our Nerf guns to be part of the centerpiece on our table and planned a great night consisting of three different games.  The first game would require some sort of tag to keep track of how many times you were hit. The game I decided to use was much like the basketball game, “Horse”, where you keep track of letters when you miss. Only in Nerf Wars each time you are hit you would flip the letter and you would be out when you returned to the first letter again. Pretty easy and lots of fun.
